The Mother of All Crimes
Being a male, I am extremely ashamed of the male sponsored view that girls and women are responsible for the sexual harassment inflicted on them in the streets, alleys, busses and underground of Egypt. Ever since I read the different postings on other blogs about the attacks since Tuesday and I felt shaken and compounded for fears that Egypt that lies in our hearts and minds is departing with no return. An attack on the female half of Egypt in the heart of Cairo amounts to a a full scale attack on society. The silly, shallow and racist/sexist view that females have a role in such an avalanche of attacks are as bad as the attacks themselves.Several Questions rack my brains without any answers…What could be done to reverse such a dirty view that males in this nation have towards women? Why was the security apparatus which is already generously present in downtown Cairo completely neutral and allowed such full attacks to take place on three consecutive days without any interference?So we, Egyptians, have become exceptionally superficial when it comes to religion to the extent that upon the end of Ramadan, we become extremely loose to the extent of violating the humanity of other fellow humans. Till when, will the conservatives like those male commentators on most blogs, be totally blind to notice that all religious fervors sweeping this country, including the veil, beards, excessive prayers, hatred to other minorities and religions, all this religious propaganda are completely false and without any fonundation and has only a negative effect on the whole country and doesn’t relate in anyway to religion or to being a better person.This nation only requires brave men and women who are able to dump all stupid preconceptions and strive to build a new society based on proper citizenship, democracy, equality and true impementation of law with religion and state separate. Last but not least, allow me to express my deep pride of all other Egyptian female bloggers who are finally breaking down the silence barrier and of all bloggers who helped to spread around the news of the mother of all crimes, assasinating Egypt's society... God bless you all.
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